In Case you Din't Know March 24th

In Case You Didn’t Know – Issue created March 24, 2020 by Cheryl L. Nolte

Did the Vernal Equinox (which was March 19) pass by and you didn’t notice?  According to the website, the 2020 vernal equinox brought the earliest spring to the US in 124 years!  Maybe the folks up north don’t think it was much of an early spring, though?

There are so many news articles out there about the C virus that I will spare you things that keep changing.  Important to keep your safe 6 foot distance from others, wash your hands in hot water for at least 20 seconds with soap, and cover your mouth with a tissue or your elbow if you cough or sneeze.  Also, if you have been or think you may have been exposed to or know someone who has tested for the C virus, self-isolate to protect us all!  Contact your Dr. if you have fever, cough, shortness of breath or other major symptoms.  A new symptom just reported today is loss of taste and smell, which may be also a sinus infection symptom, so check with your doctor. 

If your doctor is not readily available, call the health department.  If you absolutely cannot wait, call the nurse triage line 772-419-3360 from 8am-5pm.  By the way, the deaths being reported reflect the elderly with jeopardized health much more than younger people.  However, more infections are being found between those of the 20’s and 50’s right now.  So just being younger than, say 65, doesn’t mean you don’t have the virus.  And many have no symptoms but have the virus and are spreading it.  Heard today on TV that this virus is approximately three times more contagious that our typical flu!

The 2020 Olympics that were to be in Tokyo, Japan, have been postponed.  This has only happened three times, 1916, 1940 and 1944, all due to wars.  This C virus is a war of a different type, a health war, and I hope everyone understands health concerns are worth way more than the loss of any of the 15,000+ athletes that were going to compete, or the 879 medals that would have been given out.  Not to mention the health of all the attendees and organizing personnel. 

The UN Chief has asked for a halt to all wars so fighting of the COVID19 (C Virus, as I call it) can be overcome.  Let there be peace!

Gannet, the owner of USA TODAY and over 260 other daily media properties, wants to help communities support small businesses during this pandemic.  A new website,,

Will allow us to select local businesses for purchasing gift cards to use at a later time.

Distilleries in several locations are turning their equipment from spirit-making into sanitizer-making machines. This should help the shortage of something greatly needed and in short supply right now.

And breweries are shifting to takeout and drive, just like restaurants are.

Rihanna’s Clara Lionel Foundation is giving $5 million specifically to help marginalized communities in the US, Caribbean and Africa as a result of the C virus.

Opera singer Placido Domingo has been tested positive for the coronavirus.  He and his family are in self-isolation.  He is suffering with a fever and cough.  Let’s pray his wonderful voice can continue, with God’s will.

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany tested negative for the Virus. 

Sad.  Kids are to be watched by their parents when shopping.  In a Virginia grocery store, two teens were shown filming themselves as they coughed deliberately on the produce in the store.  Harris Teeter immediately had to throw out hundreds of dollars of produce and called the police.

In the other news:

Hummer is going green – GM is giving the Hummer a green makeover.  It will no longer be a gas guzzler but have a battery-powered motor!

An Oscar Mayer Weinermobile got pulled over in Waukesha County, WI for failing to give enough room on the road for another vehicle on the road that had emergency lights going.  The driver got away with a warning.  By the way, the first Weinermobile was created in 1936 and has gone through several remodels since then.  Maybe they will make it leaner now – ha!

Warren Buffet is getting out of the newspaper business!  He sold all of Berkshire Hathaway’s publications for a neat $140 million.  Felt it was time to get out since newspapers have been in a continual decline. 

I subscribe currently to Consumer Reports, and the February 2020 issue has an article about antibiotic policies at fast-food chains.  It rates them on “V Beef” since most have already modified their chicken offerings to limit antibiotics use in the chicken they serve.  So, on to beef!  Want the scores?  Tops was Chipotle, second was Panera, third was McDonald’s and Subway, tied.  Wendy’s and Taco Bell did not do well, and the others were all rated “F”.  Just so you know.

Also, according to the same Consumer Reports issue, “People taking sleep drugs are as likely to be in a car crash as those driving with a blood alcohol level over the legal limit.”  And if you were to try CBD, start with modest doses.  Get the product maker’s certificate of analysis before using to verify the dosage of psychoactive compound, which is inconsistently regulated. 

Did you know:  If you had ¼ tsp. per pound of onions when you are carmelizing them, their PH is raised which speeds up the chemical reaction and turns them brown faster.

For Dog Lovers:  Next time poochie has an accident on the carpet, clean it up and prevent repeats by using white vinegar to wet the area, then sprinkle on baking soda (not powder).  Vacuum the next day (don’t forget).  It erases the stain and neutralizes the odor.

NASCAR went digital!  The drivers are hitting the virtual racetrack.  Dale Earnhardt, Jr., Kyle Busch and other drivers signed on to race in an exhibition e-sports series working with iRacing.  The eNASCAR iRacing Pro Invitational Series started Sunday!

The Fort Pierce Planning Board is recommending a 96 resident housing project be approved.  Target is for veterans and first responders to live reasonably close to Lawnwood Medical. 

SLC Deputy Administrator Jeff Bremer resigned.  Cited personal reasons.

St. Lucie County and the City of Fort Pierce have delayed the vote on an animal shelter.  Probably not the best time to do that.  Port St. Lucie, however, did reunite with the Humane Society.

Things to think about, now that we have more time –

1.     Need for blood greater now, must be done even more carefully.  Now blood drives are being scheduled at hospitals, so supplies are stable. Donate if you are able.  Call first.

2.     Imagine being an almost graduate, or having just lost a loved one, where regular funeral services can’t be held.   This pandemic has put all kinds of things on hold.  Patience is a virtue.

3.     Beaches are closed, movie theatres are closed.  But grass still grows, cars need gas, people need food and cows need milking.  There are jobs still going on, even if we are at home not wanting to inflict a virus on someone else, or just being safe ourselves.  America has it better than any other country, even with a virus going around.  S

So many things we have taken for granted now come to mind and are more appreciated.  We are missing toilet paper, baby wipes, thermometers and bread.  Instead of complaining, let’s appreciate the system that we used to rely on in the store when there wasn’t a pandemic.  Now the demand is so much greater than supply.  Let’s not punish the suppliers or the stores, the demand just exceeded the available goods. Can we learn to somehow adapt?  The Lord leads us to know how, please don’t forget that.

Good News:

New Medicare Breakthrough policy – telemedicine.  Remote care.  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services moved to use new power to pay physicians who do consultations by phone and video! Particularly good news for geriatric care, saving patients the problem of figuring out how to get to a Doctor.

In the Garden - being in a garden is a great time to de-stress.  Sit and watch the birds, enjoy the flowers.  Plant new things if you are up for it – also a good way to spend time you have now before it gets too hot.

Funny and forgiveness in action – a father getting on in years in Spain, if I heard it right (on Family Radio, 91.7 on the dial), and hadn’t spoken to his son or seen him for years.  He decided now was the time to forgive and make amends.  So, he put an ad in the local paper, saying Pacco, meet me in front of the newspaper office at 1pm tomorrow.  Guess what?  Almost 800 Pacco’s showed up!  (not 80, but 800). The Lord was really at work in those lives and forgiveness and healing opened in many hearts.  Wow.  Now, I must tell you that that’s the story in brief as my problem ears heard it.  The point is there though, even if the name is not right. 

Now for the answers to those Bible Trivia questions (or did you know or look up already?). 

1.     Who was compelled to bear the cross of Jesus?  Answer:  Simon of Cyrene

2.     What was the fifth plaque that God placed on Egypt?  Answer:  Animal Pestilence (snakes)

3.     What is the shortest verse in the Bible?  Answer from John 11:35: “Jesus Wept”.

Three ways to be a blessing to someone (excerpt from Woman’s World 2/10/20, without the elaboration),

1.     Lend a compassionate ear.

2.     Share a message of hope

3.     Give a kind compliment

Gannett’s President put a half page commentary in the paper on March 19, 2020 about rallying.  “Together, let’s support local businesses, the bedrock of our communities.”  I’d like to add, and support our churches, the gathering places where we unite for worship and fellowship and God’s table of Forgiveness.

Until next time,
