[Sunday] Plans - Missio Dei
Jesus sends his disciples to bring the mission of God to the Children of Israel. But how Jesus sends them out is so much different than our planned expectations.
Read Mark 6:1-13. Jesus experiences opposition and then sends his disciples out in His mission. What does that mission look like for the disciples? What are they to bring? What are they to do in opposition? What is the goal of their ministry?
How important is it for us to recognize that the mission of God is not our mission? What false leanings do we succumb to if we believe the mission belongs to us?
Do you think the great commission is called great because it is so wonderful? Or because it is so huge? Talk about both. Why is the act of us being sent so wonderful? Why is the mission so huge?
Jesus does not become unclean by touching the afflicted; instead, HE imparts healing and life. It shows the kingdom is for everyone. Matthew Chapters 8-9