Mary came to the tomb feeling last and wanting to cry. Peter knew his faith, who was in and who was out. Yet when they both felt last, God sent them to be the first.
The voice of one calling, like comfort to us all. That voice of comfort does not come from high pyramids or silver stones or fancy horses but from the wilderness.
It’s always amazing to see us, workers of God’s kingdom, trying to maintain a pecking order of righteousness in the midst of such great generosity of our God.
Jesus is sitting with Scrooge-like religious leaders when one talks about how great the feast in God’s kingdom will be. But will those scrupulous Scrooges even be there, or will God bring everyone else to the party from all the roads and the countryside?
Jesus sends his disciples to bring the mission of God to the Children of Israel. But how Jesus sends them out is so much different than our planned expectations.
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness, a light has dawned. But how is this light dawned by being born again?
From the beginning, God has been sending his spirit out to bring life and beauty in the universe. It's a great sending. In this sending, we can see the heart of God as we join in with God’s mission.