[Sunday] Wilderness Voice - Missio Dei

The voice of one calling, like comfort to us all. That voice of comfort does not come from high pyramids or silver stones or fancy horses but from the wilderness.

QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK:   Wilderness Voice

  1. When you think of the voice calling from the wilderness and John the Baptist as that voice, what do you think of when you hear wilderness?

  2. Read Mark 1:1-13. John the Baptist is that Voice from the wilderness, and Jesus goes into the wilderness after being baptized. What do you think the wilderness means at the beginning of the Gospel of Mark?

  3. Read Isaiah 40:1-8. Why do you think this passage begins with “Comfort, comfort” before talking about the wilderness? 

  4. What are those  places of struggle that God can give you a voice of good news for your neighbors?

What Had happened at Grace this week.