[Sunday] Frist Apostle - Missio Dei
[Sunday] Frist Apostle - Missio Dei
Mary came to the tomb feeling last and wanting to cry. Peter knew his faith, who was in and who was out. Yet when they both felt last, God sent them to be the first.
When are some times you were beat down by society and made to feel “last?”
Read Matthew 28:1-10. When Jesus died, how do you think Mary Magdalene would have felt? How do you think she felt as she runs to tell the disciples about the resurrection?
How does the resurrection of Jesus change the plot of life for Mary Magdalene? How does the resurrection of Jesus change the plot of life for Peter (Read Acts 10: 34-48)?
How does the resurrection of Jesus change the plot of your life?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
We will have the church fellowship open for everyone to come and socialize in a cool place
Jesus comes out of the water as Emmanuel, experiencing a baptism like our own.
When the world was darkest, the light came in bringing hope to the creation.
The Kids sing "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" And they also play "First Noel" on the Bells!
This Christmas, let’s see Jesus as the one who came for us and is with us, and let our hearts grow—just like the Grinch’s—so we can go out, celebrate, and share this good news with all “those” people.
For Jesus is not some high priest who has no sympathy for our weaknesses and flaws. He has already been tested in every way that we are tested; but He emerged victorious, without failing God.