[Sunday] Rain On Enemies - Missio Dei

- Look at the party the father is throwing. The whole town is there. Even that scoundrel Matt is there who stole from the father’s business. I can’t even believe he is throwing this party for that son who took everything from him. But did you hear about the drama with the older son? He is refusing to go into the party? After all, it was raining on the whole party.

Questions for the Week: Missio Dei: The Great Sending Part 3 - Rain On Enemies

  1. Read John 3:16.  What gift does God promise you?  Why does He give you this gift?

  2. Read Matthew 5:43-48.  Why does Jesus say to love your enemies?

  3. Why does loving your enemies show God’s abundance and His generosity towards you?

  4. When you look at the world with the eyes of Jesus, seeing God’s abundance all around, how does your view of the world change?  How might this view change the way you live?

Here are the Original Series.

What Had happened at Grace this week.