[Sunday] Adam & Eve - Ordinary Sinners

Questions for the Week

  •  Retell the story of Adam and Eve from how you remember it.

  • Read Genesis 2:4 - 3:21.  After re-reading about Adam and Eve, what is different from what you remember?

  • Remembering that “man” means Adam in Hebrew, What other similarities do you have to Adam and Eve?

  • Where do you see the promise and graciousness of God in how He works with Adam and Eve?   How does this point to Jesus?

    Action Item: Rather than blaming someone else, go outside in God’s creation and say a prayer of confession to God. Trust that, through Jesus, He has crushed that evil, forgiven you, and given you new life.

    Service [above] Sermon releases at 10pm [under]

What Had happened at Grace this week.