We see the story of Peter and experience the smell of charcoal on a beach while Jesus is cooking fish. We see that Jesus restores us where we have failed, and from there, He sends us out to where He is already working.
[Sunday] Paul- Ordinary Sinners
Saul sees his job as one of purity. He is trying to hunt down this new strand of idolatry, those followers of Jesus (this so called “The Way”) and imprison them. His job is done so well that those in “The Way” have left Jerusalem and have begun spreading to the ends of the earth. His job is not done yet; he chases them to Damascus to imprison them. However, as he is pursuing purity, he discovers that their spreading has already happened.
[Sunday] Nehemiah - Ordinary Sinners
Nehemiah feels a burden, a burden to rebuild his city, God’s city. He cries out to God and goes down to Jerusalem and begins an incredible adventure of wall building and shaping people into Godly servants. But this book asks a difficult question, “What if Nehemiah’s plans don’t work out the way he hopes?”