[Sunday] Saul - Ordinary Sinners

Action Item:
This week look for places where some have made mistakes that affected you and forgive them.

Questions for the Week

  •  Share about a time when you or your neighbor thought you were right in a decision but actually were in the wrong. What effect did this have on those around you?

  • Read 1 Samuel 15:1-9.  How did King Saul, not do what God had commanded?

  • Read 1 Samuel 15: 10-15.  How does King Saul react, when God’s prophet Samuel, calls out what King Saul did wrong?   

  • Read 1 Samuel 15:20-23. What does God require?  What are some ways you can better obey the voice of God?  

  • How has Jesus obeyed the voice of His Father for you? What hope does this give you?

What Had happened at Grace this week.