Say What!? Thats Not In The Bible
There are many phrases that we think are good and Christian; however, they are not actually found in Scripture at all. So we are looking at some of those phrases and exclaiming, “Say What?! That's not in the Bible.”
This famous Shakespeare quote has gotten a modern, extremely selfish, makeover. Lets talk about Christ’s salvation for the world and the expectation to follow likewise.
This famous Christian phrase has its origins in a little-known song writer who was always dealing with depression and mantel illness. When our lives are not going the way that we would like we are able to say phrases like this as an expression of deep hope.
Are we the Baddies? Oh the problem of blaming the devil or anything else for our troubles. It takes the very essence away from the Christian.
This phrase makes some wonder, “Is clean living how I get close to God?” Is cleanliness even the goal? The cross did not seem very clean, and yet that is how He washed us all.
What happens when you die? That is such a hard question, but what we do know is that God has made you in his image, and even when we die we will still be with him in his image.
When does God begin to help us? What does it mean to be in need? The apostle Paul understands what it means to have a lot or a little. But through it all, he is content because God is helping him all the way.
When someone we love or know faces some kind of distress or trouble, we often, in an attempt to comfort them, say, “Don’t worry. God won’t give you more than you can handle.” But that is a heavy yoke to give someone when Jesus’ yoke is easy, and His burden in light.
Planks and pearls - we embrace some, and others we throw away. It seems to absolutely love the sinner, we must keep the pearl and remove the plank.