[Sunday] Easter - The Way
It’s still dark, but she goes to check on the tomb. Fear strikes her heart as she sees the stone is rolled away! Has this weekend possibly just gotten worse? As she lies weeping at a situation that is beyond repair, the gardener of the sun, moon, and stars, who cultivated everything in 7 days, whispers joy of new creation in the form of her name, "Mary."
It’s still dark, but she goes to check on the tomb. Fear strikes her heart as she sees the stone is rolled away! Has this weekend possibly just gotten worse? As she lies weeping at a situation that is beyond repair, the gardener of the sun, moon, and stars, who cultivated everything in 7 days, whispers joy of new creation in the form of her name, "Mary."
Questions This Week
Describe a time in the midst of sadness and confusion, when you knew everything was going to be ok?
Read John 20:1-18. What confusion is described? When does Mary know all things are being made right?
How does the resurrection of Jesus give you peace to know all things will be made right today?
April 1 - Clean Up: 9:00 AM for cleaning inside the buildings and outdoor chapel area.
April 2 - Palm Sunday: 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM (10:15 AM will be livestreamed)
April 6 - Maundy Thursday: Communion Service at 12:00 - Noonish…..
Maundy Thursday: Seder meal at various locations. Please sign up today!
April 7 - Good Friday: 12:00 (Noon) and 7:00 PM
(Live Stream at 7pm )
April 9 -Easter Sunday: 6:45 AM (outside), 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM
(10:15 AM will be livestreamed)
Easter Breakfast & Fellowship: starts after Sunrise Service (7:45ish) serving will end at 10:15 AM Egg Hunt at 9:55 AM
Wednesday Series
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Good Friday - The Cup - The Way
Good Friday service. The Cup
This Top Video is the Original on Vimeo.com.
It will be the best.
Here is the YouTube Link.
Also Good But Different
Good Friday Services at Noon and 7PM
April 2 - Palm Sunday: 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM (10:15 AM will be livestreamed)
April 6 - Maundy Thursday: Communion Service at 12:00 - Noonish…..
Maundy Thursday: Seder meal at various locations. Please sign up today!
April 7 - Good Friday: 12:00 (Noon) and 7:00 PM
(Live Stream at 7pm )
April 9 -Easter Sunday: 6:45 AM (outside), 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM
(10:15 AM will be livestreamed)
Easter Breakfast & Fellowship: starts after Sunrise Service (7:45ish) serving will end at 10:15 AM Egg Hunt at 9:55 AM
Wednesday Series
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] Power - The Way
God created the world and gave us dominion over it. However, we do not always use that dominion in a beneficial way, using too much sometimes, while other times not enough. Even Peter struggles to get this right, but Jesus still loves him to the end.
God created the world and gave us dominion over it. However, we do not always use that dominion in a beneficial way, using too much sometimes, while other times not enough. Even Peter struggles to get this right, but Jesus still loves him to the end.
Questions This Week
Where have you seen power misused in our world?
Read John 18:1-11. Who are the major people in this reading that misuse the power, and how do they misuse power?
In the midst of the misuse of power, how does Jesus respond? How does Jesus’ sacrificial love show us a different use of power? Read John 13:34.
Jesus loves you to the end. How has he freed you to live?
April 1 - Clean Up: 9:00 AM for cleaning inside the buildings and outdoor chapel area.
April 2 - Palm Sunday: 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM (10:15 AM will be livestreamed)
April 6 - Maundy Thursday: Communion Service at 12:00 - Noonish…..
Maundy Thursday: Seder meal at various locations. Please sign up today!
April 7 - Good Friday: 12:00 (Noon) and 7:00 PM
(Live Stream at 7pm )
April 9 -Easter Sunday: 6:45 AM (outside), 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM
(10:15 AM will be livestreamed)
Easter Breakfast & Fellowship: starts after Sunrise Service (7:45ish) serving will end at 10:15 AM Egg Hunt at 9:55 AM
Wednesday Series
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] Truth - The Way
Of all the ways of Jesus, we expect truth to be the least broken. But, our relationship with truth isn't quite as straightforward as we might expect. We are invited to be ambassadors of truth, not by defending it but by embodying new creation, faithfully pointing people to Jesus, and showing that self-giving love is the most powerful force in the world.
Of all the ways of Jesus, we expect truth to be the least broken. But, our relationship with truth isn't quite as straightforward as we might expect. We are invited to be ambassadors of truth, not by defending it but by embodying new creation, faithfully pointing people to Jesus, and showing that self-giving love is the most powerful force in the world.
Questions This Week
How would you have defined truth?
Read John 18:28-40. Why do you think Pilate questioned truth?
Read John 8:31-32. How would you define the truth that brings freedom here?
How can you live in the truths of the kingdom of God?
April 1 - Clean Up: 9:00 AM for cleaning inside the buildings and outdoor chapel area.
April 2 - Palm Sunday: 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM (10:15 AM will be livestreamed)
April 6 - Maundy Thursday: Communion Service at 12:00 - Noonish…..
Maundy Thursday: Seder meal at various locations. Please sign up today!
April 7 - Good Friday: 12:00 (Noon) and 7:00 PM
(Noon service will be livestreamed and broadcast )
April 9 -Easter Sunday: 6:45 AM (outside), 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM
(10:15 AM will be livestreamed)
Easter Breakfast & Fellowship: starts after Sunrise Service (7:45ish) serving will end at 10:15 AM Egg Hunt at 9:55 AM
Wednesday Series
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] Freedom - The Way
We can hear the cry of our hearts for freedom, but once we have freedom, it's so tempting to just curl in on ourselves. Jesus, however, constantly gives to us from his abundance.
We can hear the cry of our hearts for freedom, but once we have freedom, it's so tempting to just curl in on ourselves. Jesus, however, constantly gives to us from his abundance.
Questions This Week
How would you define freedom? How do you maintain freedom?
Read John 8:31-38. What does Jesus say will give us freedom?
What is ironic about how the Jews respond?
What are some times you might fail to acknowledge the slavery of your sin?
How does Jesus free us? What are we freed to do?
Wednesday Series
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] Beauty- The Way
What makes something beautiful? Is it a look or maybe a feeling? When John writes to his people, he invites us to the creation then shows us beauty in the resurrection.
What makes something beautiful? Is it a look or maybe a feeling? When John writes to his people, he invites us to the creation then shows us beauty in the resurrection.
Questions This Week
What is the most beautiful thing you have seen?
Read John 11:17-44. What are the places where you see beauty, and where do you see pain?
How have you experienced Jesus bringing you beauty in the midst of a time of pain or struggle?
Wednesday Series
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] Spirituality - The Way
Often when we think of spirituality, we think of something that is intensely personal. But what if it looks more like vines and jokes than solemn and alone?
Often when we think of spirituality, we think of something that is intensely personal. But what if it looks more like vines and jokes than solemn and alone?
Questions This Week
How would you define spirituality? How about your friends who are not in church, how would they define spirituality?
Read John 15:1-17. How are we connected to God according to Jesus?
As we are connected to Jesus, as the vine, what is our relationship to Jesus?
What does a spiritual life look like to you with Jesus as your friend?
Wednesday Series
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] Love - The Way
Weddings are beautiful places of love, but so often we discover the brokenness of that love way too quickly. So where is unbroken love? Maybe it's the rebuilding of the temple in 3 days.
Weddings are beautiful places of love, but so often we discover the brokenness of that love way too quickly. So where is unbroken love? Maybe it's the rebuilding of the temple in 3 days.
Questions This Week
Describe a time when you’ve loved imperfectly or been called out for loving imperfectly.
Read John 2:13-22. What does Jesus mean when he says “he will destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days?” How does this show us the love of God?
Read John 13:1-20. How do you see God’s love here? What does it mean that Judas also had his feet washed?
How has Jesus loved you?
Wednesday Series
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] Justice - The Way
We see so much hurt and injustice in society, and we cry out for a better way. But even that search for something better often leaves behind a trail of hurt. Perhaps justice can find its place in the creation story and the recreation of the gardener.
We see so much hurt and injustice in society, and we cry out for a better way. But even that search for something better often leaves behind a trail of hurt. Perhaps justice can find its place in the creation story and the recreation of the gardener.
Questions This Week
Describe a time when you thought you knew “the way” but ended up getting it wrong.
Read John 8:1-11. How do they try and trap Jesus in injustice? How does Jesus bring justice to the situation?
Read John 19:12-16. What injustice is put on Jesus? How does he respond?
Read John 1:1-5. How can you see echoes of the resurrection in this beginning part of John?
How can you join with Jesus in that creative redemption of God where justice is brought?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
The Way: Finding Meaning in the Gospel of John (Teaching Series)
There are certain indicators that we are on The Way with Jesus Justice, Spirituality, Relationships, Beauty, Freedom, Truth, and Power. But what If we do not live up to these ideals, our societies and individual lives become unbalanced, creating anger and frustration that divide us from ourselves and from God. Come and see how The Way seems broken but how easter vision can bring many along the way of Hope.e. Let’s acknowledges the problem and then explore how we can respond with both grace and truth.
There are certain indicators that we are on The Way with Jesus Justice, Spirituality, Relationships, Beauty, Freedom, Truth, and Power. But what If we do not live up to these ideals, our societies and individual lives become unbalanced, creating anger and frustration that divide us from ourselves and from God. Come and see how The Way seems broken but how easter vision can bring many along the way of Hope.
Our Wednesday Series through Lent
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Reading Plan
The readings for Sunday
2/19/23 - Justice
Exodus 17:1-7
Hebrews 12:12-15
John 4:5-26, 39-42
2/26/23 - Love
Jeremiah 1:4-10
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Matthew 5:38-48
3/5/23 - Spirituality
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
1 John 3:11-18
Luke 4:16-21
3/12/23 - Beauty
Isaiah 52:7-12
Hebrews 13:1-16
Matthew 13:31-35
3/19/23 - Freedom
Exodus 19:1-6
1 Corinthians 9:19-27
Luke 4:1-13
3/26/23 - Truth
Exodus 19:1-6
1 Corinthians 9:19-27
Luke 4:1-13
4/2/23 - Power
Exodus 19:1-6
1 Corinthians 9:19-27
Luke 4:1-13
4/9/23 - John’s Easter
Exodus 19:1-6
1 Corinthians 9:19-27
Luke 4:1-13
Going to Casa Amigos Authentic Mexican Restaurant