Good Friday - The Cup - The Way
This Top Video is the Original on
It will be the best.
Here is the YouTube Link.
Also Good But Different
Good Friday Services at Noon and 7PM
April 2 - Palm Sunday: 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM (10:15 AM will be livestreamed)
April 6 - Maundy Thursday: Communion Service at 12:00 - Noonish…..
Maundy Thursday: Seder meal at various locations. Please sign up today!
April 7 - Good Friday: 12:00 (Noon) and 7:00 PM
(Live Stream at 7pm )
April 9 -Easter Sunday: 6:45 AM (outside), 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM
(10:15 AM will be livestreamed)
Easter Breakfast & Fellowship: starts after Sunrise Service (7:45ish) serving will end at 10:15 AM Egg Hunt at 9:55 AM
Wednesday Series
Though shadowed by betrayal, a moment of lavish love reveals a redemption that waits for us in Galilee. Matthew Chapter 26a