Black Tie Bingo
January 27th Benefiting Family Meals.
January 27th - 6PM
Pelican Yacht Club.
1120 Seaway Dr, Fort Pierce, Florida 34949
Pastor Ron will be selling tickets on This Sunday the 14th.
Black Tie Bingo Event --2nd annual !
Get dressed up and enjoy Bingo games like none other!
We offer 5 Bingo games and each Bingo prize is valued over $500.00 value !
Passed appetizers and a plated dinner
Cash bar/ music/dancing/silent auction
$75.00 ticket price
Saturday, January 27 at the Pelican Yacht Club in Fort Pierce
6:00 - 10:00
Traxx Entertainment will entertainment and will also call Bingo numbers.
Buy extra Bingo games and have more opportunities to win!
Profits will go to offset Thanksgiving and Easter costs.
Family Meals, Inc is a 501 (c)3, all volunteer, local organization.
Email Blast 12-20-17
Email about what is happening at Christmas at Grace
Advent Service Tonight - Joy!
6pm Dinner
7pm Service
Christmas Services
24th 10am
6PM Candlelight
25th 10AM
No Sunday School on the 24th or 31st
Join us beginning the 7th to Study Luther's Large Catechism.
Read Scripture 2018
Read the Bible in 2018
Get ready! We have a plan to read the scriptures through next year. This plan will include Videos to help explain what is going on as you read through the scripture.
The finishing touches are currently being made to the plan now, but if you would like to get a head start. go to
Listen to the Scriptures:
Thursdays 11AM
Genesis 41-46
Join us as we listen to the Joseph and his Family as they look for food.
Article to Workout Your Faith
If you were the Son of God, how would you choose to enter the world? With wealth power and prestige? Yeah me too.
Sermon From Sunday
Exodus A Christmas Story
Fight or Flight
We want God to do big things. However, when we look in the manger, in Bethlehem, in a virgin birth, in the town of Nazareth, it seems that God keeps working through the small things in life. Perhaps we should look for the small things too.
Watch it Today!
See you Sunday!
Dreams and Ideas For Grace
Dreams and Ideas for the Future of Grace Lutheran PSL
Thank you for Sharing your Dreams and Ideas with us on the Planning Committee. We are in a listening phase of our journey. We are listening for God to reveals what the next years will look like at Grace.
You are integral in this listening, because many times God speaks through his bride the church. So please fill out the form below. If you get another dream or idea please fill it in again.
Read the Original Letter
Dreams and Ideas At Grace Lutheran PSL
Jesus says in Matthew Chapter 5: 13-16
13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Salt and Light. Two things that make the world more beautiful and better. God, through the work of the Spirit, makes us into salt and light wherever we go, sending us out into our jobs and interests to bring good taste and light to everywhere around us.
As we at Grace Lutheran PSL emerge from paying off our mortgage, we find ourselves in a good position to look forward into the future. We are financially able to do some amazing salt and light work in our community. However we are not yet sure what that work is.
So at this point, then, we want to ask ourselves a really tough question.
Why does God have Grace Lutheran in St Luice West?
This question is why the planning committee at Grace is sending out this letter. How does God want us to be salt and light in Port St Lucie? Who are we? What are we here to be and do in PSL?
We at the planning Committee want your Dreams and Ideas for Grace Lutheran PSL.
Your Dreams and Ideas can be anything. From wild outlandish Dreams to something which is small and one time. We want to hear all the ideas and dreams for Grace. We believe that God is putting a common thread inside of the dreams and Ideas of all the members and friends of Grace. That thread is why God has placed us here at this time. Some churches call this the vision, others call it their mission. We like calling it the Big Idea.
Grace’s Planning committee is Cheryl Nolte, Susan Becker, Mechelle Arbuzow, Ed Bock, Leigh Liagre, Claude & Pat Hessee, and Pastor Cris Escher. If you have any questions or want to share your dreams and ideas in a personal way, Please reach out to any of these members of the committee. We are enclosing a list of possible evangelistic projects, These are just ideas to stimulate your thoughts so you can describe projects and ideas you would like to see in the church.
So please take a few minutes to share your dreams and ideas for Grace – drop them in the gold box at church, leave them in the office, email them to, or fill out the form on
In Christ,
Pastor Cris
Planning Committee
Email At Grace 11/29
Latest News at Grace
Listen to the Scriptures:
Thursdays 11AM
Genesis 23-28
Join us as we listen to the Jacob story.
Quarterly Meeting
The next Quarterly Grace Voters Meeting is December 10th, immediately following the service. Election of board of directors for 2018 will be held.
Real Life Children's Ranch
In Okeechobee is a place where children can go which provides a Christian residential group home that cares for boys and girls who are sexually or physically or emotionally abused; homeless, neglected, or mildly disturbed. There are 6 homes with a father and mother which may have children of their own, plus house and nurture up to 6 of these children. Tours and further information is available by calling (863)763-4242. Want to give a child that “WOW” gift for Christmas? Vivian and Bob Barto are heading up this project and need your help. Here are their contact numbers (810-423-7877, Saturday, December 14th at 10:00 am is designated to wrap gifts
MOPS Sitters
Did you know that Grace hosts a mothers of preschoolers group?
This is a time where moms can come together to talk and support one another.
We need people who can watch their little ones at Grace while they meet.
It's just two Wednesdays a month, and your hours can go to the Luther 500 Challenge.
Talk to Pastor Cris
Angel Tree
There are still some angels on our tree in the narthex. Please let Susan Becker know which angel you have chosen. Please keep the amount you spend on the gift at $20. All of the gifts should be returned to the church no later than December 17. If you’re willing to deliver the gifts to the families, we will do so on the 17th.
New Sermon Series
Sermon From Sunday
Exodus A Christmas Story
God's Got Your Back
Moses sees a burning bush, which tells him to go and free his people. Joseph see his future wife pregnant, which will bring shame to him and her. However, God promises them the same promise to us: As we go through struggles in our lives, He will always be with us.
Watch it Today!
See you Sunday!
Grace Email 9-21-17
What's Happening at Grace
Listen to the Scriptures: Gospel of John
Meet up (Thursday) 11am to listen to the scriptures.
This week is pretty special. Rather than just listening, Pastor Cris has a Gospel of John movie which reads through the actual Bible text. It is pretty incredible. Come join us at 11. The link below is the trailer.
- Reading Schedule
- Chapters 1-5 (38 mins) Jesus Early Ministry (This Week)
- Chapters 6-10 (44 Mins) Rising Opposition
- Chapters 11-16 (40 mins) Persistent Unbelief and the Passover
- Chapters 17-21 (36 Mins) The Passion
Voters Meeting
Sunday OCT 1st
We encourage all to attend as we are beginning to listen and talk about the road ahead for Grace Lutheran PSL.
Revelation Study
Will Resume Sep 25th 11AM at Grace.
Women's BibleStudy
Will Resume Oct 1st
Luther 500 Challenge
500 years ago Luther challenged the church. He challenged them to put Jesus as the focus in there lives, to make our personal theology one about the cross rather than some empty, selfish glory.
In that same honor, we want to show our community of the Treasure Coast that we love Jesus and all He does.
Throughout the month of October, as we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, let us look beyond the walls of Grace Lutheran Church and see how we can partner in what Jesus and His followers are doing to help strengthen our brother and sisters outside our walls.
I would like to challenge us as an congregation to tally up at least 500 community service hours throughout the month of October. We will coordinate and advertise a wide variety of service projects and ways to help out neighbors in the coming weeks.
If any of you have connections or leads on how to serve others in October, please let Pastor Cris know.
MOPS Helpers
Did you know that Grace hosts a mothers of preschoolers group?
This is a time where moms can come together to talk and support one another.
We need people who can watch their little ones at Grace while they meet.
It's just two Wednesdays a month, and your hours can go to the Luther 500 Challenge.
Talk to Pastor Cris
Saturday Worship Practice
This Saturday at 10am. If you are interested please get ahold of Cindy Lynch.
Watch Last Week's Sermon
Fear of the Lord
What would happen if we paused and noticed people around us? Come and find out that fearing the Lord has as lot to do with how we treat our neighbor.
Watch all past sermons at
See you Sunday!
Listen to the Scriptures: Esther
Meet up (Thursday) 11am to listen to the scriptures.
We are going through Nehemiah on Sundays. Join us as we read Esther. On Thursdays at 11:00 am we will listen to the minor prophet for that week. If you are not able to join us, I encourage you to listen to it with your family.
Revelation Study
Will Resume Sep 25th
Women's BibleStudy
Will Resume Oct 1st
Voters Meeting
Sunday OCT 1st
We encourage all to attend as we are beginning to listen and talk about the road ahead for Grace Lutheran PSL.
Luther 500
500 Years ago Luther challenged the church. He challenged them to put Jesus as the focus in there lives, to make our personal theology one about the cross rather than some empty, selfish glory.
In that same honor, we want to show our community of the Treasure Coast that we love Jesus and all He does.
Throughout the month of October , as we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, let us look beyond the walls of Grace Lutheran Church and see how we can partner in what Jesus and His followers are doing to help strengthen our brother and sisters outside our walls.
I would like to challenge us as an congregation to tally up at least 500 community service hours throughout the month of October. We will coordinate and advertise a wide variety of service projects and ways to help out neighbors in the coming weeks.
If any of you have connections or leads on how to serve others in October, please let Pastor Cris know.
MOPS Helpers
Did you know that Grace hosts a mothers of preschoolers group?
This is a time where moms can come together to talk and support one another.
We need people who can watch their little ones at Grace while they meet.
It's just two Wednesdays a month, and your hours can go to the Luther 500 Challenge.
Talk to Pastor Cris
Saturday worship practice
will not meet this week.
CareNet Banquet
This event was canceled
See you Sunday!
Tree Giveaway
Keep St Luice Beautiful Tree Give away. St Luice Botanical Gardens. Oct 16th
Catherine Stephens Memorial Service
Monday at 11am
August 21
Treasure Coast Sea Winds
950 SE Monterey Rd, Stuart, FL 34994
There will be a Lunch Reception after the Service at Grace Lutheran PSL
Catherine Stephens Memorial service will be.....
Monday at 11am
August 21
Treasure Coast Sea Winds
950 SE Monterey Rd, Stuart, FL 34994
There will be a Lunch Reception after the Service at Grace Lutheran PSL
Grace And Peace
Please join us in prayer and support for Richard and everyone in the Stephens family as they morn the loss of Catherine.
She passed away during the night of August 15th.
Details will be forth coming.
Grace and Peace to you all
Pastor Cris Escher
Grace Lutheran PSL
John 11:33-36
33 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, he was deeply moved[e] in his spirit and greatly troubled. 34 And he said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to him, “Lord, come and see.” 35 Jesus wept. 36 So the Jews said, “See how he loved him!”
Jesus is the Resurrection and the life.
We join with Jesus, the whole community of the saints, in weeping with the Stephens Family and friends. But also waiting expectantly for the Resurrection of life. We will see you soon!
Email 8-17-17
Email at Grace
Revelation Bible Study
Tuesdays 11AM
Pastor Russ (who lead our confession last Sunday)
He is leading an amazing study on Revelation
Have you ever wondered about Revelation, Wondered what all that scary stuff means. Why is it even in the bible. Come to this class!
We will see you there
Tuesdays at 11 am At Grace
Family Meals Volunteer Orientation
Family Meals is hosting a volunteer (leader and assistant) orientation and providing a light supper. Please join us at Trinity Lutheran Church ( Monday, August 28. We plan to begin at 5:30 - 7:30.
More details will be on Grace's web site soon.
Mops Volunteers Needed.
MOPS (mothers of Preschoolers) is a great organization which brings mothers from our community of St Lucie West and provides a strong support group.
They meet at Grace on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the morning.
They need Volunteers to watch there precious preschoolers.
Please email the Grace Office at if you have questions or would like to sign up.
August Newsletter is Out!
Download yours Now!
Watch Last Week's Sermon
Holy Discontent
Nehemiah sees the city of God, Jerusalem, and is troubled. The wooden gates are burned, and the stones are cast down. What does Nehemiah do here? He confesses his sins to God the Father.
Watch all past sermons at
Racism, Dealing with It
Editor’s note: in the wake of the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, a word on dealing with racism from Professor Leo Sánchez.
In a sinful world, racism will not go away. Every so often, it raises its ugly head in public. But rather than merely stating what seems so obvious—racism is a sin—here are some practical ways to confront it head on and deal with it.
Read the rest at:
See you Sunday!
Luther Movie - October 19th
One-night Movie Event
Don’t miss this special event: a one-time showing of the new Martin Luther film at:
Regal Cinemas Treasure Coast Mall on October 19 at 6:30pm
One-night Movie Event
Don’t miss this special event: a one-time showing of the new
Martin Luther film at:
Regal Cinemas Treasure Coast Mall on October 19 at 6:30pm
This special screening is the perfect outreach opportunity... a chance to invite friends and neighbors to an event in a community setting. This entertaining new film follows the great adventure story of Luther’s life, packed with political intrigue, kidnappings, and life-or-death showdowns. At the same time, it's a story about the most important questions of life, including "Who am I?" "What is my purpose" and "How do I get right with God?"
It’s a must-see for any lifelong Lutheran, and a chance to share the message of your Lutheran heritage with others. And the only place you can see the film is in the theater on the night of our church’s special event.
This is the first time in more than 60 years that Lutherans have made a feature-length film about Martin Luther and the Reformation. Filmed in historic locations across Europe, this movie brings Luther’s story to life with exquisite attention to detail. It’s a chance to strengthen your faith by revisiting the birth of Protestant Reformation, and to share that experience with others.
IMPORTANT: All tickets ($12 each) must be purchased in advance. Tickets can be purchased at a special web site set up for the screening:
Revelation Study Tuesdays at 11am
Revelation Bible Study. Thrusdays 11am
Pastor Russ is leading a study through revelation.
Meet us at grace on Thursdays' at 11am.
Family Meals Thank You to Grace
Family Meals pickup
Big thanks to all who gave to Family meals.
Please convey to the members of Grace our deep appreciation for their response to the summer food drive collection for Family Meals. In addition to receiving enough food to completely fill my car, we also received an envelop of checks for approximately $230.00 for the support of the drive. Your faithfulness is a powerful witness to the greatness of God's love in Christ shared through you.
Pastor Ron
Email August 2nd 2017
Auguest 2nd email
Listen to the Scriptures: Haggai!
Meet up Tomorrow (Thursday) 11am to listen to the scriptures.
Through the summer we will be reading through many of the Minor Prophets. On Thursdays at 11:00 am we will listen to the minor prophet for that week. If you are not able to join us, I encourage you to listen to it with your family.
Links can be found at
New Bible Study.
Beginning on August 15th
Pastor Russ (who lead our confession last Sunday)
He is leading an amazing study on Revelation
Have you ever wondered about Revelation, Wondered what all that scary stuff means. Why is it even in the bible. Come to this class!
We will see you there
Tuesdays at 11 am At Grace
Family Meals Summer Thanks You
From Pastor Ron
Please convey to the members of Grace our deep appreciation for their response to the summer food drive collection for Family Meals. In addition to receiving enough food to completely fill my car, we also received an envelop of checks for approximately $230.00 for the support of the drive. Your faithfulness is a powerful witness to the greatness of God's love in Christ shared through you.
Pastor Ron
See Pictures at
August Newsletter is Out!
Download yours Now!
Watch Last Week's Sermon
Joel is Playing the Hits
Joel keeps quoting: quoting other prophets, quoting the stories of the exodus. In other words, Joel keeps playing the hits like that great DJ on the radio. But what happens when the apostle Peter quotes Joel?
Watch all past sermons at
I Wonder If Sunday School Is Destroying Our Kids
Several years ago I met with a woman distraught by her son’s rejection of Christianity.
She said, “I did everything I could to raise him right. I taught him to be like the ‘heroes of faith,’ with the faithfulness of Abraham, the goodness of Joseph, the pure heart of David, and the obedience of Esther.”
She wondered why he rejected Christianity.
I wondered why it took him so long.
Here is how we destroy the gospel message
Look at almost any Sunday school curriculum. You’ll find:
Abraham was faithful, and God made him the father of a nation. So be faithful like Abraham.
Joseph was a good little boy (unlike his “bad” brothers), and God made him Prime Minister of Egypt. So be good like Joseph.
David had a pure heart (unlike his brothers), and God made him King of Israel. So have a pure heart like David.
Esther was an obedient girl. God made her Queen of Persia and she saved God’s people. So be obedient like Esther.
Finally, if we fail to be good, Jesus will forgive us (a “P.S.” tacked onto the end).
What’s so bad about these Sunday school lessons?
Nothing really. Except that they lie about God, they lie about these “heroes of the faith,” they lie about the Bible, and they lie about the gospel. Apart from that, they are pretty good. Oh, they also create “younger brother” rebels and “older brother” Pharisees.
Read the rest at:
See you Sunday!
Email July 26
Email July 26th
Listen to the Scriptures: Joel!
Meet up Tomorrow (Thursday) 11am to listen to the scriptures.
Through the summer we will be reading through many of the Minor Prophets. On Thursdays at 11:00 am we will listen to the minor prophet for that week. If you are not able to join us, I encourage you to listen to it with your family.
Links can be found at
Sarah's Kitchen at the Ballpark
If you want to join us for the baseball game on Thursday, July 27, a group from Grace will meet outside the St. Lucie Mets entrance at 5:45 so we can all go in and find seats together. If you can't be there by 5:45 and want to sit with us, call Cris at (770) 328-5078. You can buy tickets at a specific Sarah's Kitchen booth near the entrance. The game starts at 6:30.
Watch Last Week's Sermon
Nahum: Comfort in Chaos
Nahum means comfort. So take comfort that God is bringing good news.
We had camera problems this week. So enjoy a different pastor doing the same sermon.
Watch all past sermons at
The Fog of Fear: Panic Attacks, Anxiety and Being Overwhelmed
You can see it far off, looming on the horizon, a thick fog menacing off the coast and swirling in the distance. You know the signs. You’ve been here many times before, but you’ve learned to carry on. At first you kind of ignore it, you are aware it’s there, but you don’t want to work yourself up so you busy yourself with things in the hopes the winds will change and it is driven out to sea. But the winds rarely change.
In time it approaches, subtle and quiet, caressing its way—almost seducing—its way back into your life. Your ostrich-defense has not worked and you aren’t able to continue the charade of hiding. At first it’s manageable. “This isn’t so bad” you think, “I can handle this.” But before you know it the fog is all around you, the thick blur is everywhere and the familiar comforts are whited-out. In the fog sounds are distant echoes, faces are veiled shapes and the familiar becomes strange—but strange because this particular strange you know all too well. Feeling alienated, overwhelmed—unable to trust yourself, in the fog of anxiety you give up. You lose yourself in a kind of existential madness. You have a panic attack.
Read the rest at:
See you Sunday!
Email July 19th
The latest email
Listen to the Scriptures: Nahum!
Meet up Tomorrow (Thursday) 11am to listen to the scriptures.
Through the summer we will be reading through many of the Minor Prophets. On Thursdays at 11:00 am we will listen to the minor prophet for that week. If you are not able to join us, I encourage you to listen to it with your family.
Links can be found at
Welcome, Baby Gunnrik!
Matthew, Annalee, and Baby Gunnrik will be honored at a small reception shower after service on Sunday, July 23.
If you're able to "shower" this sweet little one, born in May, we encourage you to write a blessing in a beloved children's book, either new or used (instead of a card). The family would also appreciate baby toiletries and boy clothes sizes 9 months and larger. Thanks for showing your support to our littlest Grace friend!
Family Meals
Grace is collecting food for Summer Family Meals.
Last Easter we were the number 1 donor church. Let's keep it up!
Just bring food to the church and put it in the bin.
This year they are asking for desserts (boxed mixes).
Sarah's Kitchen at the Ballpark
- St. Lucie Mets game on Thursday, July 27 at 6:30 pm
- $7.00 general admission tickets with some proceeds going to support the Sarah's Kitchen mission
- Dollar night on various concessions
- Contact Sherry Evans (772 626 9425) for tickets.
Watch Last Week's Sermon
Obadiah and the Love of Manure
This tiny book shows how massive our love is for Manure but also how massive God's loving ways are towards us.
Watch all past sermons at
By Martin Luther
"Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." -Philippians 2:5-11
Christ assumed the form of a servant, even while remaining God and having the form of God; he was God, and his divine words and works were spoken and wrought for our benefit. As a servant, he served us with these. He did not require us to serve him in compensation for them, as in the capacity of a Lord he had a just right to do. He sought not honor or profit thereby, but our benefit and salvation. It was a willing service and gratuitously performed, for the good of men. It was a service unspeakably great, because of the ineffable greatness of the minister and servant -- God eternal, whom all angels and creatures serve.
Read the rest at:
See you Sunday!
Family Meals Food Drive Spring 2017
Family Meals Food Drive!
This is the last week to bring in food!
Keep St Lucie beautiful Mets game!
Join us with the keep St Lucie beautiful crew at a fun Mets game
Dear Adopt-A-Street Groups,
Keep Port St. Lucie Beautiful has volunteered to participate for the 10th Anniversary Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup event which will be held Saturday, July 29, 2017 from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM. We are inviting you to join our team.
Since 2007, they have removed more than 72 tons of trash in Martin, St. Lucie & Indian River Counties. This year the Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup will be cleaning up 125 miles of waterways in Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River Counties. The event is for all ages and all volunteers will receive an event T-shirt and those with watercrafts will receive a commemorative burgee to fly, which shows that they are part of the event. There will be an appreciation BBQ in August (date TBA) for all volunteers.
The team name is: Keep Port St. Lucie Beautiful and our team will report to the C-24 Canal Park Boat Ramp in Port St. Lucie at the roundabout on Floresta and South Bend,500 SW Oakridge Drive.
Please feel free to check out Treasure Coast Waterway website for more information;
To register, please click this link and fill out the required information;
For the day of the event, we ask that all volunteers follow the following safety rules:
►Always wear closed toed shoes.
►Please examine all litter for sharp edges before picking up.
►Please provide adult supervision for all minors
►Hats, sunscreen, bug repellent, gloves and water are strongly suggested.
We look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Keep Port St. Lucie Beautiful
Georgette Beck
Keep Port St. Lucie Beautiful
Public Works Department
121 S.W. Port St. Lucie Blvd.
Port St. Lucie, FL 34984-5099
Phone: 772-873-6312
Fax: 772-871-5185
Family Meals' Summer Food Drive
Grace is collecting food for Summer Family Meals.
Last Easter we were the number 1 donor church. Lets keep it up!
Just bring food to the church and put it in the bin.
This year they are asking for desserts.
Family Meals' Summer Outreach 2017
We need lots of volunteers to help us deliver to over 1000 families! Our summer menu includes: a frozen chicken, fresh carrots, fresh potatoes, canned vegetables, bbq beans, rolls and boxed desserts. These meal bags will be delivered directly to families' homes. We do not require families to sign vouchers, wait in line or carry a food box. We ask them to enjoy a family meal in their homes, using their recipes. We always include table-talk questions to get the table conversation started.We also include mealtime prayers for the families to share.
Dogs and Cats Forever in Fort Pierce is donating pet food to families this year! The entire family will be fed., 4600 Selvitz Rd, Fort Pierce, (772) 489-5454
As always, we need lots of help! Volunteer opprotunities are available on Friday, July 28 at 1:00pm setting up the room, counting potatoes, and unloading the food trucks. AND on Saturday, July 29 starting at 7:30 am. We need packers and lots of help in many ways! We deliver, sort and pack out of Trinity Lutheran Church in Fort Pierce.
Volunteering as a driver takes a total of 3-5 hours of your time - about an hour during the week calling families to let them know their delivery time and about 3-4 hours on Saturday morning the 29th picking up and delivering to families. Please contact ASAP to sign up as a driver.
Family Meals is a 100% volunteer, 501(c)3 local, or call us 772-210-0900
If you can volunteer, please message us or email
For the Cause - Global Hymn Sing
On Sunday, June 25, millions of voices in churches across the globe will rise up in worship
together. This year believers will sing For the Cause written by Keith and Kristyn Getty
and Stuart Townend, a song focused on taking the gospel to all nations.
We At Grace are taking part of this great event. Please listen to the song here to familiar yourself before Sunday.
On Sunday, June 25, millions of voices in churches across the globe will rise up in worship together. This year believers will sing For the Cause written by Keith and Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend, a song focused on taking the gospel to all nations.