Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Judge Deborah - His Eyes The Book of Judges

When Israel strays, a ruthless warlord named Sisera emerges, leaving a trail of terror.  But hope flickers in the unlikeliest places: God raises up a prophetess named Deborah and a seemingly ordinary woman, Jael, who, together, hold the key to a surprising, victory-clinching act.

When Israel strays, a ruthless warlord named Sisera emerges, leaving a trail of terror.  But hope flickers in the unlikeliest places: God raises up a prophetess named Deborah and a seemingly ordinary woman, Jael, who, together, hold the key to a surprising, victory-clinching act.

QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK:   His Eyes: The Book of Judges - Judge Deborah

  1. Describe a time when someone surprised you by doing a great thing when you didn’t expect much from them.

  2. Read Judges 4 and 5.  How does God deliver His people in an unlikely way?

  3. We can see that God is working through the weak and unexpected. Can you think of a time in your own life when you felt weak or unqualified, yet God used you in a surprising way? How can we be more open to seeing God working in unexpected ways?

  4. We see that God's victory is already secure through Jesus. How can this concept change the way we approach challenges and relationships in our lives?

The Bible Study from last year.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Ehud Left - His Eyes The Book of Judges

This week's judges cycle: we meet Ehud, the crippled lefty who reminds us that God's power shines brightest in weakness.

This week's judges cycle: we meet Ehud, the crippled lefty who reminds us that God's power shines brightest in weakness.

QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK:   His Eyes: The Book of Judges - Indistinguishable

  1. There is a consistent cycle in the book of Judges - rebellion, oppression, and then deliverance. Have you ever experienced a similar cycle in your own life? How can we break free from this cycle?

  2. Read Judges Chapter 3. We see how God uses a seemingly weak and “left-handed” person, Ehud, as a judge. What are some of the ways we define strength today? How does the story of Ehud challenge these definitions?

  3. We often try to hide our weaknesses. Can you share a time when you felt weak or vulnerable? How did you deal with it?

  4. Read 2 Corinthians 12:1-10.  Connect the story of Ehud to the concept of God’s power being made perfect in weakness. What does this concept mean to you? Can you think of any other examples from the Bible or your own life that illustrate this concept?

The Bible Study from last year.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Indistinguishable - His Eyes The Book of Judges

The book of Judges isn't a straight line but a cycle. Redemption and rebellion echo, reminding us how easily we stray. Prepare to see yourselves in the Israelites' struggles, becoming indistinguishable to the culture around us.

The book of Judges isn't a straight line but a cycle. Redemption and rebellion echo, reminding us how easily we stray. Prepare to see yourselves in the Israelites' struggles, becoming indistinguishable to the culture around us.

QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK:   His Eyes: The Book of Judges - Indistinguishable

  1. Read Judges 2:6-23.  The book of Judges talks about a cycle the Israelites fall into. Can you identify the different stages of this cycle? How does this cycle relate to our own lives and the challenges we face?

  2. The sermon mentions how easy it is to become indistinguishable from the culture around us. What are some ways this can happen in your daily life? How can we stay true to our values even when pressured to conform?

  3. What does Jesus offer us that the judges in the book of Judges could not? How can faith in Jesus help us break free from cycles of sin and self-destruction?

  4. Do you see living among non-believers as a problem, a possibility, or both?  How can you live a good life among non-believers today?

The Bible Study from last year.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Easter Peace - Comfort Comfort

Even with the glorious news of Christ's resurrection, the disciples remained hidden, burdened by their actions. Yet, Christ arrives, a beacon of hope and unreserved comfort, offering peace in the midst of their doubt.

Even with the glorious news of Christ's resurrection, the disciples remained hidden, burdened by their actions. Yet, Christ arrives, a beacon of hope and unreserved comfort, offering peace in the midst of their doubt.

QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK:   Comfort Comfort: Easter Peace

  1. Can you think of a time you hid from something difficult? What was it, and how did you eventually move forward?

  2. Read John 20:1-23.  The disciples were hiding after the resurrection.  Why do you think they might be hiding, even though they know Jesus has risen?

  3. Jesus shows up not hiding anything, leading with his wounds.  How does the concept of Jesus’ sacrifice and his wounds change the way you view forgiveness and comfort that comes from Jesus?

  4. Jesus encourages us to forgive others.  Filled with the Spirit of Christ, how can you bring that peace and forgiveness to others?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sermons, News Cris Escher

Good Friday - Comfort Comfort

Comfort Comfort in the Passion of John’ Gospel

Good Friday Services at Noon and 7PM
Live Stream Now Available

Top Video is the Live In person. (the Best)
The Lower is the YouTube Edit. (Can Watch In More Places)

Comfort Comfort in the Passion of John’ Gospel

April 9 -Easter Sunday: 6:45 AM (outside), 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM 

(10:15 AM will be livestreamed)

Easter Breakfast & Fellowship: starts after Sunrise Service (7:45ish) serving will end at 10:15 AM      

Egg Hunt at 9:50 AM

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sermons, News, Midweek Cris Escher Service, Sermons, News, Midweek Cris Escher

Maundy Thursday - Comfort Comfort

Communing Together as we get through.

Service 6pm
Dinner at IHOP 7ish

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Hosanna - Comfort Comfort

As Palm Sunday dawns, confusion swirls around Jesus' identity and mission.  Jesus' final prayer is a plea for God's continued protection and unity amidst His followers' trials.  This all foreshadows the sacrifice that will ultimately bring oneness through His resurrection.

As Palm Sunday dawns, confusion swirls around Jesus' identity and mission.  Jesus' final prayer is a plea for God's continued protection and unity amidst His followers' trials.  This all foreshadows the sacrifice that will ultimately bring oneness through His resurrection.

 QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK:   Comfort Comfort: Hosanna

  1. Why do you follow Jesus?  

  2. Read John 17.  What does Jesus pray for?

  3. How does the Father protect us?  What unity does Jesus give us?

  4. What does it look like to you to follow Jesus today?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sermons, News, Midweek Cris Escher Service, Sermons, News, Midweek Cris Escher

[Wednesday] Your Story - Speaking Comfort Comfort

Adding your Story

Dinner Potluck 5:30PM
Service 6:30PM

Adding Your Story

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Plainly Overcome - Comfort Comfort

As we approach the crucifixion, Jesus is giving comfort amidst coming hardship, revealing a deeper connection with the Father and to peace despite future scattering. All this echoes the story of Lazarus, where Jesus' power over death foreshadows His ultimate sacrifice for humanity.

Sermon From 1st Service ;)

As we approach the crucifixion, Jesus is giving comfort amidst coming hardship, revealing a deeper connection with the Father and to peace despite future scattering. All this echoes the story of Lazarus, where Jesus' power over death foreshadows His ultimate sacrifice for humanity.

 QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK:   Comfort Comfort: Plainly Overcome

  1. When are times when you’ve felt scattered in the world?  When are times when you’ve caused others to feel scattered?

  2. Read John 16:25-17:6.   Jesus says that He speaks plainly and to take heart that He’s overcome the world.  Describe some times when Jesus was scattered.  How does Jesus overcome those times?

  3. What does it mean that Jesus overcame the world for you?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sermons, News, Midweek Cris Escher Service, Sermons, News, Midweek Cris Escher

[Wednesday] Isolation and Community - Speaking Comfort Comfort

Speaking of Life Together

Dinner Potluck 5:30PM
Service 6:30PM

Speaking of Living Together

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Blind Joy - Comfort Comfort

The world may boast victory in the face of our struggles, leaving us blind to the bigger picture. But Jesus, the one who illuminates our innermost being, whispers a promise of sight beyond the present darkness. Like the man born blind, our blurry vision will someday come into focus, revealing an unstoppable joy.

The world may boast victory in the face of our struggles, leaving us blind to the bigger picture. But Jesus, the one who illuminates our innermost being, whispers a promise of sight beyond the present darkness. Like the man born blind, our blurry vision will someday come into focus, revealing an unstoppable joy.

QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK:   Comfort Comfort - Blind Joy 

  1. Describe a time Jesus said something confusing, that was difficult to understand.

  2. Read John 16:16-24.  As the disciples are confused, what does Jesus promise?  

  3. What illustration does Jesus use to show sorrow and confusion turning to joy?

  4. How does Jesus meet us in sorrow and bring joy?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sermons, News, Midweek Cris Escher Service, Sermons, News, Midweek Cris Escher

[Wednesday] Death to Life - Speaking Comfort Comfort

Speaking Life to All

Dinner Potluck 5:30PM
Service 6:30PM

Speaking of Death to Life

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Clean Vines - Comfort Comfort

Like a vine tender cares for their vineyard, Jesus nurtures each branch. Nicodemus, once overgrown and shadowed, needed pruning to grow in the light. At the cross, after 3 years of pruning, everyone else saw only darkness, but Nicodemus saw the light of the King.

Like a vine tender cares for their vineyard, Jesus nurtures each branch. Nicodemus, once overgrown and shadowed, needed pruning to grow in the light. At the cross, after 3 years of pruning, everyone else saw only darkness, but Nicodemus saw the light of the King.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sermons, News, Midweek Cris Escher Service, Sermons, News, Midweek Cris Escher

[Wednesday] Speak Freedom - Speaking Comfort Comfort

Speaking Freedom to Those in Captivity

Dinner Potluck 5:30PM
Service 6:30PM

Speaking Freedom to Those in Captivity

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Held Well - Comfort Comfort

To the lost souls feeling orphaned, the lonely drawing water in the heat, the outcasts fearing rejection, and those trembling before evil's seeming victory.  Jesus comforts, "I am your hope, and darkness has no hold on you."

To the lost souls feeling orphaned, the lonely drawing water in the heat, the outcasts fearing rejection, and those trembling before evil's seeming victory.  Jesus comforts, "I am your hope, and darkness has no hold on you."

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sermons, News, Midweek Cris Escher Service, Sermons, News, Midweek Cris Escher

[Wednesday] Lent 2 - Speaking Comfort Comfort

How would you share the hope?

Sorry The stream got Started late.

Dinner Potluck 5:30PM
Service 6:30PM

How would you share the hope?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Troubled Hearts - Comfort Comfort

Jesus knows Peter is going to deny Him. Jesus knows our own failures. But while speaking to Peter and our failures, Jesus brings comfort to troubled hearts, and He makes room for us.

Jesus knows Peter is going to deny Him. Jesus knows our own failures. But while speaking to Peter and our failures, Jesus brings comfort to troubled hearts, and He makes room for us.

New Song This Week.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Ash Wednesday - Comfort Comfort

Jesus love them to the end.

He Loved them to the End

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Send Me - Called Ephesians Ch 5-6

We are called to walk in love, just as Isaiah sees he is a sinful man among a sinful people, and he yet is sent cleansed.  God cleanses us to walk in love and gives us the defense of His armor.

We are called to walk in love, just as Isaiah sees he is a sinful man among a sinful people, and he yet is sent cleansed.  God cleanses us to walk in love and gives us the defense of His armor.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Paul Called Ephesians Ch 4

Paul, after seeing his own life change from putting people in prison to now sitting in prison for the gospel. He looks at us and says live a life worthy of the calling.

Paul, after seeing his own life change from putting people in prison to now sitting in prison for the gospel. He looks at us and says live a life worthy of the calling.

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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