Week 1 Serving Challenge Together group: Intro
Serving Is what we are talking about this week.
Watch Pastors Groups recording here.
Baretto Together Group
Wednesdays 6:30 at Baretto Home
Pastor Cris’ Together Group Meets
Thursday Morning at 11am
Thursday Evening Starts at 7PM at Pastor’s House
Video recording releases Friday mornings.
Together Group Video Week 1
Discussion Guide | Week 1
[Sunday] Greatest - Serving Challenge
Serving others is not about self-promotion or personal gain, but about elevating those around you. In God’s kingdom that's how you become the greatest.
Serving others is not about self-promotion or personal gain, but about elevating those around you. In God’s kingdom that's how you become the greatest.
QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK: See This weeks Together Group Study
Releases at 11Am on Sunday
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Serving Challenge Together Groups
Lets Take up this Challenge together
New Together Group Weeks Released Sunday at 11am
We are stronger together and any challenge is better when helped.
I encourage you to meeting with other people to watch each week’s video and go through the discussion questions.
Here are the Official Groups
Burro’s Wednesday 6:30pm
Escher’s Thursday 7pm
Pastor’s Thursday 11am
In you would like to create a group Get in touch with pastor and we will promote it.
Serving Challenge! New Series in September
Discover what real freedom is like as we explore the powerful forgiveness that Jesus offers to each and every person, including you!
You were made for more than just believing and existing until you die. You were made to serve.
If Jesus offers a full and abundant life, then why does it feel as if words like burnout, exhaustion, anger, loneliness, unhappiness, and anxiety are winning the day? Something feels very off. A full and abundant life results in purpose, meaning, fulfillment, joy, and happiness. What are we missing?
September 15 Intro
Day 1: Tuesday
September 22
Attitude Day 6
September 29
Availability Day 13
October 6
Action Day 20
October 13
Ability Day 27
October 20
Ambition Day 34
September 15th we are starting the Serving Challenge.
Red Letter Challenge is a dynamic 40-day experience that helps people more effectively follow Jesus Christ!
Practice the Habits of Jesus
Find Joy in Relationship with God
Discover Purpose Being with God
Purchase the Workbook
Grabe a Workbook.
The books can be shared but feel free to grab what you need
The church has ordered some Serving books.
The books cost the church 25$ Per Book
As with everything if 25$ is too much please take one.
Both Amazon and RLC both are selling the book
both links are included.
Amazon may be faster,
RLC will be cheaper.
Buy the Book on Amazon
Buy the book on Red Letter challenge Site
New Song , The Jesus Way
New Song for the New Series (Serving Challenge)
Here is Grace’s Recording for Sunday
Listen to the Original (We Changed The Lyrics)
On September 15th 2024 we are singing
The Jesus Way(CCLI 7217888)
© 2023 Be Essential Songs; Cashagamble Jet Music; Phil Wickham Music; Simply Global Songs
1. If you curse us, then we will bless you
If you hurt us, we will forgive
If you hate us, then we will love you
There’s love in the Jesus way
2. If you’re helpless, we will defend you
if you’re burdened, we’ll share the weight
if you’re hopeless, then let us sh’ow you
There’s hope in the Jesus way
We follow Jesus; we follow Jesus
He wore our sin we, gladly wear His name
He is the treasure; He is the answer
There’s love in the Jesus way
3. If you strike us, we will embrace you
if you chain us, we’ll sing His praise
if you kill us, our home is heaven
There’s hope in the Jesus way (REFRAIN)x2
[Sunday] Under Pressure - Hold Fast: 2nd Timothy
When under pressure, there is hope and resilience in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ which causes us to look at the world differently.
When under pressure, there is hope and resilience in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ which causes us to look at the world differently.
Questions for the Week: Hold Fast: Paul's 2nd Letter of Timothy - Under Pressure
How have you experienced pressure or suffering in your own life? In what ways has your faith helped you to endure these challenges?
Read 2 Timothy 4. How does Paul speak of pressure and hope? What does he cling to for this hope?
How does the love of God, as revealed in the cross of Jesus Christ, change everything? What does it mean to love others as Christ loves us?
When looking at all of 2 Timothy, what is the biggest piece of encouragement you can take with you?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Matthew Chapter 28 Bible Study
The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 27c-28
The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 27c-28
The Resurrection
Bible Club Pool Party and Avery's First Communion [Photos]
Great Way to End the Summer!
Congradulations fo Avery, Welcome to the Table of our Lord with us.
1st Commandment - Confirmation
The Almighty God who created you loves you jealously. This God commands, desires and deserves first place in your heart, soul, mind and schedule.
Theme Verse
I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me.
Exodus 20:2-3
Luther’s Small Cat
You shall have no other gods.
What does this mean? We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.
Idolity =
When we fear love and trust in other things
Remember 1 Thing
The Almighty God who created you loves you severely . This God commands, desires and deserves first place in your heart, soul, mind and schedule.
Gods of the Times
Which of the following would you rate as the top two “gods” of society today and why?:
Looking at the Meanings
What does Martin Luther have to say about the meaning of this commandment?
Idol Banter
Who are some of the current “idols” of our culture?
What products or symbols come to mind when you think of these idols?
What is an idol?
What is a “graven image”?
How is Jesus different from the current icons and idols of society?
Evidence of an idol
Other Key Verses
What does each verse have to do with the theme verse?
Exodus 32
Isaiah 44:6-8 + Rest of chapter
Matthew 6:19-24
I John 5:13-21
Good News
However, in order that they may take careful note of the meaning of this commandment and remember it. the unschooled should be told this.
We are to trust in God alone look to him and expect to receive nothing but good things from him, he it is who gives us body life food drink nourishment health protection, peace and everything we need by way of temporal and eternal blessings, he it is who in addition guards us against misfortune and when.Something does go against us help and delivers us thus as I have said often enough. God alone is the one to whom we receive whatever is good and who delivers us from whatever is evil.
Confirmation 10 Commandments Overview
What is the 10 Commandments all about
Remember This Thing!
God gave the Ten Commandments out of love as a gift for a just and peaceful society. God said, “Do this and you will live.”
When we obey them, we experience God’s good and gracious will for our lives and our world.
God Cares About Our Relationships.
Our relationship with God and our Neighbors.
The First 3 commandments around about Us and God
The Last 7 Are about Us and our Neighbors.
[Sunday] Let My People Go - Hold Fast: 2nd Timothy
All of Scripture is God-breathed; in its inspired voice, we hear the good news, useful teaching, correction, instruction, and training for a life well lived in freedom.
All of Scripture is God-breathed; in its inspired voice, we hear the good news, useful teaching, correction, instruction, and training for a life well lived in freedom.
Questions for the Week: Hold Fast: Paul's 2nd Letter of Timothy - Let My People Go
How does the idea that the Scriptures are "breathed out by God" impact your understanding of their authority and relevance in your life?
Read 2 Timothy Ch 3. What scary things does Paul highlight? Where does he point to find hope?
How can we discern between true and false teachers, and what steps can we take to protect ourselves and others from their influence?
In what ways have you experienced God's freedom in your own life? Share specific examples and how these experiences have shaped your faith.
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Matthew Chapter 27 Bible Study
The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 26c - 27a
The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 27
[Sunday] Lightning Rod - Hold Fast: 2nd Timothy
Amidst so much irreverent babble and ignorant controversies, it's easy to become entrenched in our "lightning rod" beliefs. What if, instead, we stood in the good news of Jesus?
Amidst so much irreverent babble and ignorant controversies, it's easy to become entrenched in our "lightning rod" beliefs. What if, instead, we stood in the good news of Jesus?
Questions for the Week: Hold Fast: Paul's 2nd Letter of Timothy - Lightning Rod
What do you think a "lightning rod" issue is in your family or community? How does it create division? Can you think of an example?
Read 2 Timothy 2:14-26. How can we better focus on Jesus and His love for us, rather than getting caught up in disagreements? What practical steps can we take to do this?
The sermon emphasized that God's foundation is firm. How does the knowledge of “being His” bring you comfort and peace?
More Info From the Sermon
The Second Testament by Scott McKnight
A Tranlation of the New Testament.
What Had happened at Grace this week.
New Hymn , “Earth and All Stars” (LW 438/LSB 817)
New Classic about Give us this Day our Daily Bread.
Here is Grace’s Recording for Sunday
Listen to the Original
On August 25th 2024 we are singing
“Earth and All Stars” (LW 438/LSB 817)
This Song is in our Hymnal
But Grace has never used it.
1. Earth and all stars!
Loud rushing planets!
Sing to the Lord a new song!
Hail, wind and rain!
Loud blowing snow storm!
Sing to the Lord a new song!
3. Trumpet and pipes!
Loud clashing cymbals!
Sing to the Lord a new song!
Harp lute and lyre!
Loud humming cellos!
Sing to the Lord a new song! (REFRAIN)
4. Engines and steel!
Loud pounding hammers!
Sing to the Lord a new song!
Limestone and beams!
Loud building workers!
Sing to the Lord a new song! (REFRAIN)
5. Classrooms and labs!
Loud boiling test tubes!
Sing to the Lord a new song!
Athlete and band!
Loud cheering people!
Sing to the Lord a new song! (REFRAIN)
7. Children of God,
Dying and rising,
Sing to the Lord a new song!
Heaven and earth,
Hosts everlasting,
Sing to the Lord a new song! (REFRAIN)
Matthew Chapter 26 - 27 Bible Study
The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 26c - 27a
The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 26 ending - beginning of Chapter 27
[Sunday] The Athlete - Hold Fast: 2nd Timothy
Paul, with a whiff of sarcasm, pronounces we all know an athlete never cheats in their game, which makes us ask ourselves, “Have we tried to shortcut the faith?
Paul, with a whiff of sarcasm, pronounces we all know an athlete never cheats in their game, which makes us ask ourselves, “Have we tried to shortcut the faith?
Questions for the Week: Hold Fast: Paul's 2nd Letter of Timothy - The Athlete
Think of a time someone cheated at a sport or game. What effect did that have on the final results?
Read 2 Timothy 2:1-13. What do you find most challenging about Paul’s message to endure suffering and hold fast to the Gospel of Jesus?
Can you share a time when you felt like you were taking a "shortcut" in your faith or in life? What did you learn from that experience?
With the hope of the resurrection, how can we support one another when we are facing difficulties and challenges?
Jesus sends out the disciples amidst a flurry of expectations. But these serious expectations can bring the heat which only a cool cup of water can satisfy. Matthew Chapter 10