Generosity: What does this mean?

Generosity: What does this mean?

When we talk about stewardship and our money, it always seems like the law is being laid down with little hope aside from compliance. The same feeling can be said about the 10 commandments. But with all the hopelessness around, perhaps looking at the 10 commandments and our generosity though that old question of “What does this mean?” Can give us a vision of God’s abundance.

Reading Plan
Read around the readings for Sunday

  • Oct 22
    Commandments 1-3

    • Deuteronomy 5:1-15

    • Philippians 4:4-7

    • Luke 12:13-34

  • Oct 29
    Commandment 4

    • Genesis 47:1-2, 9-12

    • Romans 13:1-7

    • Mark 7:1-13

  • Nov 5
    Commandments 5,6,7,

    • 2 Kings 5:19b-24

    • Ephesians 4:25-32

    • Luke 19:1-10

  • Nov 12
    Commandments 9, 10

    • 1 Kings 21:1-10

    • Hebrews 13:1-8

    • Mark 10:35-45

  • Nov 19
    Commandment 8

    • Zecheriah 8:12-17

    • 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18

    • Mark 14:1-11