[Sunday Service] Natural Light - Life Together
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Questions for the Week
What are you thirsty for? What’s your beverage of choice?
Read John 19:17-29. What causes Jesus to thirst? What is he thirsting for?
Read 1 Peter 4:1-6. In times of suffering, what are some things that you’ve thristed for that have let you down?
According to Peter, because of Jesus and his love for us, in times of suffering, what should you love and desire?
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Let’s Bring Grace and Peace to a Chaotic and Lonely Time.
Important Posts from the Week.
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What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus does not become unclean by touching the afflicted; instead, HE imparts healing and life. It shows the kingdom is for everyone. Matthew Chapters 8-9
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
Our children explored the fascinating story of the walls of Jericho coming down.
From the mount, Jesus reveals the Kingdom Way. "Blessed are the poor in spirit," He proclaims, urging us to "turn the other cheek," and to pray, "Father, Your will be done." For His kingdom is at hand, and through Him, we find the Golden Way.
For Jesus is not some high priest who has no sympathy for our weaknesses and flaws. He has already been tested in every way that we are tested; but He emerged victorious, without failing God.
This course explores stress and worry: the causes, effects, and strategies to manage them. It will equip you through God’s Word to look to Him as the source of strength.
Your Call to Action: Carry out intentional actions to manage your own stress or worry and also reach out with Christian support to someone who is dealing with stress or worry.