It’s clear that women played an important role in the story of Jesus. It’s intriguing that almost all of Jesus’ male disciples abandoned him in his final moments, but it’s women who are the first to witness and proclaim a new life and forgiveness for all.
Good Friday - Stations of Loss
[Maundy Thursday] Peter - Life Together
[Sunday Service] Palm Sunday - Life Together
Jesus and his followers have made the long uphill trek to Jerusalem, and they begin to feel victorious. After all, they had just climbed a mountain, and they are with the one who will continue to climb all the way to the top of Rome itself. But is that what Jesus does, climb mountains to the top? Or is he calling us to follow him to the trenches of God’s work, the cross?
[Wednesday Service] Pilate - Life Together
[Sunday Service] Natural Light - Life Together
Natty light, Bud Light, and Miller Lite - they can be found everywhere; you’re always able to find one on tap. But which one of these would Jesus drink? I have joked that Jesus would only want the best, some local craft beer brewed by someone wearing suspenders and a mustache. But after reading about his last drink, I think he would have shared a Natty Light after a late shift.
[Sunday Service] Invisible Love - Life Together
Jesus, while on the cross, looked up into the sky and yelled, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken Me?” This seems appropriate for today, as we see so much change in the last two weeks. Things are closed, the economy is bad, and I am watching worship on a screen. Is God somewhere else as well? But Peter encourages us to remember the God that is always here, the invisible love.