News, Read Cris Escher News, Read Cris Escher

Hug A Telemarketer Today

Things You Won’t Hear Anywhere Else (But Church)

Read Whole article at Hug a Telemarketer Today - Mockingbird (

Continuing in the series of Things You Won’t Hear Anywhere Else (But Church), an in-person version of which I presented as a class at Christ Church Charlottesville on Sunday mornings this fall. Click here to read the intro and many caveats.

Who are the most acceptable cultural villains these days? I’m not talking about archetypal bad guys like Nazis or Klan members. I’m talking about people we universally despise — and don’t feel bad for doing so. An individual example would be Dan Snyder, the erstwhile owner of the Washington Commanders football team, about whom I’ve never heard a kind word. Which is saying something; it’s not easy to garner genuine bi-partisan disdain in the DC metro area, but that guy seems to have pulled it off.

But what are the groups that function this way today? ‘Stage parents’ strike me as a demographic that’s pretty hard to love. Maybe that’s more of a personal peeve, though. A generous soul might say their only crime is loving their kid too much. Same goes, I guess, for those awful guys that get in fistfights on the sidelines of their kid’s little league games.

A couple years ago the Internet decided that Karens and Kyles were the worst. Yet there’s a generational element to those resentments that keeps them from being universal. Plus, I know some wonderful ladies named Karen.

Then it hit me: Telemarketers. No one is more casually hate-able.

To be clear, I’m not talking about folks who volunteer their time to make calls for a cause they believe in. Nor really, those who want us to switch our insurance companies (in the middle of dinner). I’m talking about a specific type of tele- or e…………………………………….

Read Whole article at Hug a Telemarketer Today - Mockingbird (

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Community, Neighbors, News, Photos, Service Cris Escher Community, Neighbors, News, Photos, Service Cris Escher

Pastor Cris and Meschac on WPBF Local News

Habitat for Children Was on WPBF 25 Today!

Habitat for Children Ministries stopped by WPBF 25 News at 9 a.m. to discuss a recent trip to Haiti and the school supplies they provided to children.

Support Habitat for Children Ministries.

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Split Abundance - Generosity

Have no other Gods before me. What does this mean? We should fear love and trust in God above all things. God has created us in abundance, so rest.

Have no other Gods before me. What does this mean? We should fear love and trust in God above all things. God has created us in abundance, so rest.

QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK:   Generosity - Splitting Abundance 

  1. What makes you uncomfortable as we talk about stewardship and generosity?   How is it tempting to make stewardship more about the law than grace?

  2. Give a description of popular false gods in our generation. How does an idolatrous heart feel and behave toward each of these false Gods?

  3. Read Luke 12:13-34.  What question is first asked of Jesus?  How does one miss out on the abundance of God?

  4. How does Jesus respond to his question?  What does he encourage us to see?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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Kids, Photos, News Cris Escher Kids, Photos, News Cris Escher

Photos of 2nd Sunday School, Experements!

Having fun together

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News, Photos Cris Escher News, Photos Cris Escher

photos of FLGA Equip Confrence.

We had a Great time at the FL GA Equip Confrence

Kevin worked at the LERT Booth.
Coli and Meschac worked the Habitat for Children Booth

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Sermon Series, News Cris Escher Sermon Series, News Cris Escher

Generosity: What does this mean?

When we talk about stewardship and our money, it always seems like the law is being laid down with little hope aside from compliance. The same feeling can be said about the 10 commandments. But with all the hopelessness around, perhaps looking at the 10 commandments and our generosity though that old question of “What does this mean?” Can give us a vision of God’s abundance.

Generosity: What does this mean?

When we talk about stewardship and our money, it always seems like the law is being laid down with little hope aside from compliance. The same feeling can be said about the 10 commandments. But with all the hopelessness around, perhaps looking at the 10 commandments and our generosity though that old question of “What does this mean?” Can give us a vision of God’s abundance.

Reading Plan
Read around the readings for Sunday

  • Oct 22
    Commandments 1-3

    • Deuteronomy 5:1-15

    • Philippians 4:4-7

    • Luke 12:13-34

  • Oct 29
    Commandment 4

    • Genesis 47:1-2, 9-12

    • Romans 13:1-7

    • Mark 7:1-13

  • Nov 5
    Commandments 5,6,7,

    • 2 Kings 5:19b-24

    • Ephesians 4:25-32

    • Luke 19:1-10

  • Nov 12
    Commandments 9, 10

    • 1 Kings 21:1-10

    • Hebrews 13:1-8

    • Mark 10:35-45

  • Nov 19
    Commandment 8

    • Zecheriah 8:12-17

    • 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18

    • Mark 14:1-11

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Neighbors, Service, Serving, News, Photos Cris Escher Neighbors, Service, Serving, News, Photos Cris Escher

Haiti Trip 23' Photos

We had such an impactful and fun time in Haiti with Habitat for Children Ministries.

In September of 23” Pastor Cris, Lois, Jan, and Brad whet to Haiti with Habitat For Children Ministries.

Here are some of our photos from the trip, Please talk to us, we would love to talk about it.

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News, Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher News, Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher

Photos Birthday Bash

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News, Neighbors Cris Escher News, Neighbors Cris Escher

Birthday Bash Pizza Party (September 17th)

Sunday September 17th, The next Tons of Fun event!

September 17th

The next Tons of Fun event!


Suggested donation
10$ Per Person
25$ For a Family.

As with everything, If the donation means you have to make financial choices later, then just come. We would rather have you enjoy the event than be left out over a matter of money.

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Photos, News, Neighbors Cris Escher Photos, News, Neighbors Cris Escher

Photos of Crafting Group and Escher Together Group

Crafters and Together Group

Crafters had lots of fun,
and Lots of good discussion was had at the house.

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News, Photos, Kids, Neighbors Cris Escher News, Photos, Kids, Neighbors Cris Escher

Kids Bible Club Splash Party

Labor Day Party for kids Bible Club

Labor day Party

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News Cris Escher News Cris Escher

Forgiving Challenge Together Groups

Lets Take up this Challenge together

New Together Group Weeks Released Sunday at 11am

We are stronger together and any challenge is better when helped.
I encourage you to meeting with other people to watch each week’s video and go through the discussion questions.

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News, Read Cris Escher News, Read Cris Escher

The Best Boss You'll Ever Have

I was told I was beloved and worthy and so I began to believe it and act accordingly.

Read the article at The Best Boss You'll Ever Have - Mockingbird (


I was told I was beloved and worthy and so I began to believe it and act accordingly.

SARAH CONDON / 8.23.23

The following excerpt comes from Churchy: The Real Life Adventures of a Wife, Mom, and Priest:

In 2013 the Harvard Business Review published a study called “If Your Boss Thinks You’re Awesome, You Will Become More Awesome.” Their research proved what every low (wo)man on the totem pole already knew: If your boss treats you like a great employee, it will make you less likely to be a bad one. Results showed the quality of peoples’ leadership within a company being vastly better if their boss believed that they were, in fact, awesome. Conversely, the harder your bosses are on you, the less effective your work and leadership were in the eyes of your peers. In other words, if your boss speaks a word of worthiness over you, you begin to believe you are worthy.

Most of us have work experience that speaks to this dichotomy. In my first grown-up job, I had a boss who would stand at the door every day and tell me if I was late. Most mornings I was not. And so she would begrudgingly grumble out a “Good morning, Sarah.” However, when I was running behind she would bark out, “TWO MINUTES LATE!” to me at the door followed by a “You’re lucky we are so forgiving!”

Forgiving indeed…………………………..

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News, Read Cris Escher News, Read Cris Escher

NT Wright on Easter Atonement and the Message of the Cross

Easter message for the church.

Read the entire article at N.T. Wright on Easter, Atonement and the Message of the Cross - RELEVANT (

Whether you’ve been around Christianity for years or are new to faith, you probably know the Easter story. It goes something like this: Humans are sinners; Jesus died as a sacrifice, paying for our sins; and then three days later, Jesus came to life again — the result of which is that His followers can go to heaven when they die. But what if we’re getting it all wrong?

“Many people have grown up assuming that is what the cross is all about,” says world-renowned theologian, scholar and author of The Day the Revolution Began, N.T. Wright. “And the awful thing is that this message about an angry God and an innocent victim has a lot more in common with ancient Pagan thought than with ancient Jewish or Christian thought.”……………………

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